Messages Documentation
This document provides a breakdown of the messages used throughout the authentication and multi-factor authentication (MFA) processes in your system. The messages are translated using Django’s gettext_lazy
for i18n (internationalization) support.
Authentication & General Status Messages
Key | Message |
status_unverified | "Your email remains unverified. Please verify it to proceed." |
status_verified | "Your email has been successfully verified." |
no_account | "No active account found." |
email_sent | "A verification email has been dispatched to your email address." |
email_required | "A valid email address is required to continue." |
invalid_account | "The provided account details are invalid. Please try again." |
already_authenticated | "You are already authenticated." |
logout_successful | "You have successfully logged out." |
general_msg | "An error occurred. Please try again later." |
no_credentials | "No valid credentials provided. Please check and try again." |
user_creation_error | "An error occurred during user creation. Please try again." |
Password Reset Messages
Key | Message |
password_reset_code_sent | "A password reset code has been sent to your email address if an account associated to it is present." |
password_reset_successful | "Your password has been reset successfully." |
password_reset_attempts_limit | "Too many attempts. Please try again after the {COOLDOWN_PERIOD} minutes." |
invalid_password | "The password provided is invalid." |
password_mismatch | "The provided passwords do not match. Please try again." |
invalid_code | "The provided code is invalid. Please try again." |
expired_code | "The provided code has expired. Please try again." |
email_not_found | "A password reset code has been sent to your email address if an account associated to it is present." |
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) Messages
Key | Message |
mfa_enabled_success | "Multi-factor authentication has been successfully enabled." |
mfa_already_activated | "Multi-factor authentication is already activated." |
mfa_invalid_otp | "The provided OTP is invalid. Please try again." |
mfa_not_activated | "Multi-factor authentication is not activated for this account." |
mfa_deactivated | "Multi-factor authentication has been successfully deactivated." |
mfa_login_failed | "MFA login failed due to an invalid OTP or recovery code." |
mfa_login_success | "MFA login was successful." |
mfa_required | "Multi-factor authentication is required for this action." |
mfa_recovery_codes_generated | "New MFA recovery codes have been successfully generated." |
mfa_setup_failed | "An error occurred during the setup of multi-factor authentication." |
recovery_codes_regeneration_error | "An error occurred while generating recovery codes. Please try again." |
Email Subjects
Key | Message |
verify_email_subject | "Verify your email address" |
login_email_subject | "New login alert" |
mfa_code_generated_email_subject | "New Multi-factor Authentication Recovery Codes Generated" |
mfa_deactivated_email_subject | "Multi-factor Authentication Deactivation Confirmation" |
reset_password_email_subject | "Password Reset Request" |
password_reset_complete_email_subject | "Password Reset Successful" |
Account and Registration Errors
Key | Message |
email_exists | "An account with this email already exists." |
username_exists | "An account with this username already exists." |
email_already_verified | "Your email is already verified." |
Security and Token Errors
Key | Message |
token_error | "An error occurred while processing the token. Please try again." |
The cooldown period mentioned in password_reset_attempts_limit
is dynamically filled from the accounts_config.PASSWORD_RESET_COOLDOWN_PERIOD