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Getting Started with dj-waanverse-auth

Welcome to dj-waanverse-auth, a library designed to streamline authentication and device management for your Django projects. Follow this guide to install and configure the package in your project.


Install the package via pip:

pip install dj-waanverse-auth


1. Add to Installed Apps

In your, include dj_waanverse_auth in the INSTALLED_APPS list:

    # Django default apps
    # Third-party and custom apps
    "accounts",  # Replace with your custom user app

2. Add Middleware

Include the DeviceAuthMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE settings:


3. Set Custom User Model

Set up the user model as described in Configuring User Model.

Specify your custom user model in

AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.Account"  # Replace `accounts.Account` with your custom user model

4. Configure Authentication Backends

Add the custom authentication backend to enable JWT-based authentication:

    "dj_waanverse_auth.backends.AuthenticationBackend",  # Custom backend
    "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend",         # Default Django backend

5. Configure REST Framework

Set up the DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES for Django REST Framework in


6. Add Private/Public Key Paths

Add the PUBLIC_KEY_PATH and PRIVATE_KEY_PATH to the package's settings configuration in your

    "PUBLIC_KEY_PATH": "/path/to/public_key.pem",
    "PRIVATE_KEY_PATH": "/path/to/private_key.pem",

For a complete list of configurable settings, check out Configuration.

7. Configure URLs

Include the package's URLs in your project's URL configuration:

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path("api/v1/", include("dj_waanverse_auth.urls")),

Final Steps

1. Apply Migrations

Run the following command to apply migrations:

python migrate

2. Start the Development Server

Run the server to ensure everything is configured correctly:

python runserver

3. Run Configuration Check

You can verify your setup and identify any missing required settings using the following command:

python auth-check

This will provide feedback on your configuration and highlight any missing settings or issues.

🎉 Congratulations! Your Django project is now set up to use dj-waanverse-auth for advanced authentication and device management.